casa amar rugs showroom in milano
casa amar rugs showroom in milano

Come visit us


i fondatori di casa amar matteo e jihane seduti nello showroom con sullo sfondo una tenda in velluto rosa cipria

We welcome you every day in our Milanese showroom in Via Pestalozzi 4.
You can come and touch our rugsand textile accessories, feel their quality and be inspired.

You can also have nice surprises: in the showroom we always have some treasures that are bought before we can put them on the site.

We can always make an appointment entirely dedicated to you (and always without obligation to purchase), to tell you the stories behind our carpets and advise you.


We are open from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 1pm .

In the afternoon, evenings and weekends we open by appointment.

Write to us on Instagram or directly on the site via the "Chat with us" icon.